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House Of Window Coverings, LLC. | HOW TO KEEP YOUR HOME HEALTHY

Since the pandemic, Americans have been spending more time at home. According to American Time Use Survey, we spent about 62% of our waking time at home; in contrast, we only spent about 50% in 2019. Here is a breakdown of household activities 2021 —  On an average day, 86% of women and 71% of men spent some time doing household activities, such as housework, cooking, lawn care, or household management – U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics.

Since we spend more time in our homes than anywhere else, you want to ensure your home has healthy hygiene. What is healthy hygiene for homes?

Here is a list of things:

  • Maintain and disinfect high-traffic areas. Light switches, faucets, kitchen handles, and doors should be cleaned regularly.
  • Make sure your bathroom and bedrooms receive a regular deep cleaning. Sleep is essential to your overall health, so make sure these areas of your house are clean and sanitized to ensure you sleep in a clean and serene environment.
  • Clean your windows and doors. All openings to your home are vulnerable to outside things like dust and insects. You don’t want all the elements from the outside seeping into your home.

The definition of a healthy home is safe, regularly maintained, prevents disease and injury, and is energy efficient.

Updated window treatments can contribute to your home’s health. If you have small children or pets, ensuring you have window treatments free of hanging cords and broken areas will prevent injuries. New window treatments can also make your home more energy efficient. You can reduce up to 40% of heating and cooling loss, up to 10% in energy savings.

Small steps can add up to significant gains regarding your home’s health. Try one or more of these tips to keep your home healthy.