Covid-19 UPDATE

During this challenging time, our goal is to keep everyone safe and informed while we navigate thru our response to COVID-19.  We have re-opened our showroom utilizing appropriate PPE.  We will continue to offer in-home consultations with the appropriate PPE, as well as virtual appointments. Even during this difficult time we are still here for you, whether you are an existing customer or a potential new one. Our office staff and design team are committed and available via whatever mode is most appropriate. We are proud to be a part of the Vegas community and together, we will weather this crisis. Stay safe, and take care of one another.

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Tips For Energy Efficiency During The Summer And Beyond

House Of Window Coverings, LLC. | Tips For Energy Efficiency During The Summer And Beyond

With rising prices on everything it is more important now than ever to save money where you can. According to Consumer Energy “The average household spends more than $2,000 a year on energy bills, with nearly half of that going to heating and cooling.’

Here are some tips to help save energy:


When not using electronic appliances, unplug them. Things like coffee makers, computer and phone chargers can increase energy costs up to 10%. Use power strips when possible so you can just shut off the power strip instead of unplugging each individual item.


When is the last time you had a service check on your refrigerator or other household appliances? Clogged coils and dust can make your appliances work extra hard to do its job, increasing the energy it uses.


Swap out those old bulbs for LED ones. LED bulbs only use about a quarter of traditional incandescent bulbs, and they last longer.


When doing laundry, wash your clothes in cold water. It not only saves energy but it will help keep the colors from fading.


According to, “Heat gain and heat loss through windows are responsible for 25%–30% of residential heating and cooling energy use.” If you plan on keeping your home for a long period of time, make sure you have window treatments that are energy efficient.

Brands like Hunter Douglas have the most insulating shades on the market. According to Hunter Douglas “Window treatments help with a home’s energy efficiency by providing insulation, controlling solar heat gain, and by using natural light to reduce the use of electric light (called daylighting), which saves energy.” Upgraded window treatments are not only energy efficient but they can increase the value of your home. The upfront investment will pay off in the long run.

Tips For Energy Efficiency During The Summer And Beyond
Tips For Energy Efficiency During The Summer And Beyond

All these energy tips are not only useful during the hot Las Vegas summer months, but it will help you save energy year-round.